Vacuum Therapy with Blissful Touch Aesthetics

At Blissful Touch Aesthetics, we specialize in providing top-of-the-line vacuum therapy services. With our experienced and knowledgeable professionals, we strive to make sure you get the best care possible when it comes to your body and wellness. Our specialized vacuum therapy treatments are designed to provide relief from muscle tension, reduce inflammation, aid blood circulation, and improve lymphatic flow. During this non-invasive body contouring procedure, a handheld device is used to massage and deliver suction to the treatment area in order to get deep into the tissue layers. This helps promote healing by increasing blood flow, speeding up cell metabolism, and stimulating skin hydration. The result is increased skin elasticity, reduced wrinkles, improved muscle tone, and visibly smoother texture. We believe that everyone should be able to feel beautiful inside and out without having to resort to invasive treatments or harsh chemicals; this is why we strive for safe, natural solutions that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated! Contact our medical spa today!